
Well, today I have to write about some mental disorder or disease, so I chose to write a disease that affects a member of my family.
The alzheimer is a progressive mental illness that is characterized by a degeneration of nerve cells in the brain and a decrease in brain mass, is the more common form of dementia among older people;
the dementia is a brain disorder that severely affects the ability of people to carry out their daily activities.
This disease usually affects older people, older than 60, but it can also affect younger people and the risk is higher if there are people in the family who had the disease.
The Alzheimer starts slowly. First it affects the parts of the brain that control thought, memory and language. People with this disease may have difficulty remembering things that happened recently or the names of people they know.

Resultado de imagen para alzheimer     Resultado de imagen para alzheimer disease

There isn't treatment to stop this disease. However, some medication can help prevent symptoms during a little time or mental stimulation (reading, writing, keeping the brain awake), sharing with family and friends, practice exercises, avoid smoking or excessive alcohol, are ways to avoid this disease, although it hasn't been proven by studies, but it's better to do it, we don't lose anything to have a healthier life.
Over time, the symptoms of this disease get worse. People can't recognize their relatives. They may have difficulty speaking, reading or writing. They may forget how to brush your teeth or comb your hair. Later, They may become anxious or aggressive.
In the working life is a big problem, since people with this disease can't do their jobs, therefore they have to leave them. Although this disease mainly affects people who doesn't work anymore, retired people, because they are older, in society the number of cases of people with this disease has increased, so the government invites healthy activities to avoid it.
When this disease affects any member of your family is horrible (well all diseases are), remember how was that person before having this disease, is very sad. My grandfather has it, he physically  looks good (for his age 89), but when you talk to him, he just remembers his adventures when he was young man. It's sad think that he doesn't know who he is talking to, although sometimes he reminds me, but it's only a few minutes, where he connects with reality. Also it's very sacrificed for the people who take care of him because they have to be worried and watch him all day.
I only appreciate that he is alive, and I try to make the most of all the moments with him.


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