Movies and Books

Since I was child, I loved watching movies, because I like the effects, sounds and the differents stories in each film. During my life I have watched many films and personally the films keep me unstressed, I watch movies usually when I have freetime (the weekend) or when the day was very hard.
It's crazy becuase I like study in the night and also I like watch movies in the night, but I don't like horror movies, because I get so scared. I remember when I went to the cinema with my girlfriend to watch to terror film and I was with my eyes closed almost the whole movie and she had my hands ( that was a very embarrassing) so I never watch horror movies.
I don't know which is my favorite movie, because there are many movies that I like.
I especially like the romantic action and suspense movies, how forget when I cried watching the movie under the same star, but in other style of movie I think  X-men is a great action movie, the differents powers in each mutant is very crazy and fantastics as for example the claws of   Wolverine or Charles who is "the professor X" and have the power to master the mind or "Magneto" who have the power to master the metals.
The last month I watched the three movies "Maze Runner" and they were very entertaining and unexpected, but a few days ago a friend recommended me to watch the movie "Butterfly Effect", and I believe all should watch this movie because I watched it and I fell in love with the movie becuase it's very good, fantastic, you think about life and the effects of our decisions.

                          Resultado de imagen para butterfly effect movie
I have never be a good reader, when I was in the school I just read the books the school asked me to read, but When I read, I am very passionate to read, it's as if I had entered the history of the book, and sometimes I cry when the endings are sad.
My favorite book is "the catcher in the rye" and this is the book that recommednd because the history it's impresionant; tell the life of  young in the school and the world around us when we are in youth. Also I like read "the tunel" and a summer I read the book "an abundance of katherines" and It's very good because also tell the life of a young, his adventures and his bad lucky in the love( I felt identified with the protagonistit)  it was the first time I read in summer so I thought reading "looking Alaska" the same summer but never I did.
I prefer read things for learn, things interesting (magazines, curious facts, etc)  read about history or science. My dream is to be a wise man, but I think I should read more for achieve it.

         Resultado de imagen para catcher in the rye   Resultado de imagen para niño leyendo un libro   Imagen relacionada



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