Different people that I admire

In the area of science, it is difficult to think about people that I admire, because I think that all scientists, philosophers, mathematical… are important because thanks to them, we can know things that are common today and that in the past it cost a lot to discover them.

Like my teacher, I admire Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519) he was born in Vinti a city near Florence and died in France. Throughout his life he was a painter, anatomist, architect, artist, botanist, scientist, writer, sculptor, philosopher, engineer, inventor, musician, poet and urban planner (a very wise and complete man)
His works are well known and important in the world, like his paintings: Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, The Virgin and Child, The Baptism Of Christ, The Self-Portrait, etc.
Da Vinci was a genius, he knew many things that the people of his time, didn’t  know. He was the basis for later studies in areas of human anatomy and technological advances (creation of the helicopter and parachute). I like Leonardo Da Vinci because he was like a visionary, it's as if he could travel to the future through his dreams, see new things and then make plans and drawings. Da Vinci was extraordinary, amazing and most importantly his legacy still lingers on earth.

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I also admire Stephen Hawking (1942-2018) he was born in Oxford, England. Stephen was a theoretical physicist, astrophysicist, cosmologist and British scientific popularizer.
He was married twice and had three children. When he was 21, he was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), just before his first marriage. This disease was aggravating his condition over the years, until almost completely paralyzed and forced him to communicate through a voice generating device. It's amazing what he lived with that disease 55 years when the life expectancy is only 14 months.
Among his most important works are: to contribute, along with Roger Penrose, theorems regarding spatiotemporal singularities within the framework of general relativity and the theoretical prediction that black holes would emit radiation. Besides his fabulous books (I still do not read any, but I'd like to read some book of him)
I admire him for his contribution to science today, I feel privileged to have shared the same oxygen with a genius like Stephen, but what I admire most is his perseverance, despite his illness, he continued to work, research and motivate to the people.
His life is an example to say that: Everything is possible always that each person tries and doesn't  give up.
It's very sad that he died this year at age 76, because I'm sure Stephen didn't have time to teach us and share more of his knowledge and wisdom, and to find all the answers about the universe. Now Everything is in our hands.

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Finally I also admire Charles Darwin (1809-1882) was born in Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England. Darwin was a very important scientist because he proposed the idea of biological evolution through natural selection and all his extensive studies and research were saved in the work called: "The Origin Of Species"
I admire him because in his work he postulates that living beings have evolved over time from a common ancestor through a process called natural selection. All this is the basis of biology and the basis of the modern evolutionary synthesis, because all this unites the observations about the diversity of life.
In addition to that he traveled a lot throughout his life, writing a diary that had information of the places and animals he found so his work was very extensive and sacrificed, but I think there is nothing better than traveling doing what we like.

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Each of these people contributed different things to society and that is what is important and beautiful of the human being that all we are intelligent and different so we can obtain many things with effort and dedication.


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