My favorite technological devices...

Well, I think that all technological devices are very important and they make life eiser, but my favorite technological devices are the computer and the cell phone.
When I  watched T.V and It showed cell phones, I wanted to be given one.
I had to wait a long time to receive my first cell phone. I got my first cell phone at Christmas. When I was 10 years old. That day I was very happy.
The next day I downloaded games for the cell phone, took pictures and listen to music, but it was very difficult to share the music or games because the cell phone had Infrared option and sharing music or games took a long time
I had a cell phone, but I didn't have a computer and I needed one to study and do homework. My parents didn't have money to buy me a computer, but I understood them.
In the 2011, I won a computer for my marks. The computer helped me a lot in the school, and I played videojuegos on my computer. That computer is still good and helps me in the university now.
My present cell phone helps me with my studies, allows me to communicate with my family, because they are in Ovalle, listenning to music and watching videos. (I usually use my cell phone every day) and I use my computer at night because I like to study in that moment.
My life without the computer and cell phone would be very different, because they help me in my life( studies, comunication and fun) and I' m used to using them.

 Resultado de imagen para notebook hp 2011  Resultado de imagen para celular con infrarrojo


  1. I remember that I also had to wait a long time to share music with my friends :(jaja


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