My dreams...

When I was at a primary school, I liked to do sports and I loved playing football because I played every day, besides I was in a footbal team so being a footbal player was my biggest dream, but one day my friends advised me and told me that it was better to study and become a professional. After I was very sad but I knew that it's was the best.
So I liked the languaje subject, and I thought I would be a lenguage teacher in the futuro, but I don't like reading so it was not a option.
Then in the high school I developed my love for science  thanks to my teacher. In the beginning I liked biology but then my favorite science was chemestry( I didn't like physics and I still don't like it)
but I didn't know what to study yet. During those years I started singing (a good jovi) I also had good grades in chemestry so I helped my friends ( I liked to teach)
In the last year of high school I liked the area of health and the idea of creating new thing, so the career of chemestry and pharmacy caught my attention, but I was't totally sure because I also liked to teach.
The day before filling the aplication form I didn't konow what to do so I asked my teachers for advice and in the night I had a dream where I was in Santiago working in the pharmacy ( that was a sign)
Now I study chemestry and pharmacy and I think it was a good decision. The experiences that I have lived in my university have been great and I have learned a lot about my career, about chemestry and I have also met wonderful people.
In the future  I would like to work in a pharmacy and continue my studies to do classes at the university.

        Resultado de imagen para farmacia             Resultado de imagen para laboratorio


  1. Chemistry and Pharmacy is the most wonderful career!

  2. When I was at a primary school, I did not like football ajjaja

  3. I think that the dream was important


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